Toad in the Hole
Sausages snuggled around Yorkshire pudding that just needs a creamy mash and gravy for a heavenly food experience
200°C/fan 180°C/gas mark 6
1 hour
“You can add a chopped onion in with the sausages for added flavour that perfectly matches the rest of the dish”
85g gluten-free plain flour
85g cornflour
4 eggs
200ml milk, approximately
pinch of salt
12 thin/8 thick gluten-free sausages
a little vegetable oil, for greasing
Preheat the oven to 200°C/fan 180°C/gas mark 6. Have a large roasting tin ready.
Place the gluten-free flour, cornflour and salt into a mixing bowl. Crack the eggs into a measuring jug and then add enough milk to make it up to 400ml.
Whisk together the eggs and milk with a fork. Gradually add the egg and milk mixture to the flour ensuring it is well mixed until you have a smooth batter.
Put a good splash of vegetable oil into the roasting tin and pop this into the top of the oven for a couple of minutes to heat up. Remove the roasting tin from the oven, add the sausages and place back in the oven for 5 minutes.
After the 5 minutes, remove the roasting dish from the oven, rotate the sausages and pour the batter mixture around the sausages (which should be well spaced out). Return back to the oven to cook for about 30 minutes until the Yorkshire is well risen and golden.