Savoury Swirls

Loosely based on a simple pizza roll. Kids may need some help but this is a great introduction to baking


200°C/fan 180°C/gas mark 6

35 minutes

Add some extra savoury ingredients. I like to add ham and sweetcorn and this is similar to my pizza topping preferences


  • 300g gluten-free self-raising flour

  • 75g margarine/butter

  • 150ml milk (approximately)

  • 100-130g grated cheddar cheese

  • 2 tbsp tomato puree

  • 1 tbsp tomato ketchup


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C/fan 160°C/gas mark 4 and a baking tray with baking parchment paper.

  2. Put the gluten-free flour and margarine into a mixing bowl and rub together until you have a fine breadcrumb consistency. Bind this together with milk to make a soft dough very much like a scone dough. You may not need all the milk, you may need a little more.

  3. Roll out your dough into a neat rectangle on a floured surface to a thickness of approximately 1/2 cm. Have the longer edge of the rectangle running horizontal in front of you. Mix the tomato puree and ketchup together in a small bowl and evenly spread this over your rectangle. Sprinkle the grated cheese over all this.

  4. Gently roll into a long sausage shape by rolling the top long edge towards you. Cut with a sharp knife across the sausage shape into 10-15 pieces and place onto your prepared baking sheet.

  5. Bake for 10-15 minutes until risen, golden and firm to the touch. For best results eat warm and fresh. Allow them to cool before they are stored in an airtight container. They should be eaten in a day or two but can be frozen to last longer.

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