Mocha Cake
The trusted flavour combination of chocolate and coffee never disappoints
190°C/fan 170°C/gas mark 5
1 hour
“Try to find the best coffee you can to get the best flavour into your mocha cake”
Mocha cake
175g butter, softened
175g caster sugar
3 eggs
175g gluten-free self-raising flour
1 tbsp instant coffee
1 dessertspoon hot water
25g cocoa powder
splash of milk
50g butter, softened
100g icing sugar
1 tbsp instant coffee
1 tbsp hot water
grated chocolate of your choice
Preheat the oven at 190°C/fan 170°C/gas mark 5. You will need two lined and greased 20cm (8-inch) cake tins.
For the sponge: mix the coffee with a dessertspoon of boiling water in a cup so that it dissolves into an essence. Then place all the ingredients, including the coffee essence, in a mixing bowl and mix to a smooth creamy consistency (an electric hand whisk is ideal for this).
Divide the mixture evenly between the two prepared cake tins spreading the mix around evenly as you can. Place them in the centre of the oven and bake for 30-40 minutes by which time the sponges will have risen and be firm and springy to the touch.
Leave the cakes in the tins only for a few seconds before turning them out onto a cooling rack. As soon as the sponges are cool sandwich them together with the following easy, light coffee buttercream icing.
For the icing: first beat the butter until smooth and then slowly add the icing sugar together until pale and light. Add the coffee and mix well.
Spread the buttercream over the top of each cake, then place one cake on top of the other. Finally, decorate the top of the cake with grated chocolate. If it’s not all gone on the first day save it for another day by storing in an air-tight container.