Gluten Free Bacon and Cheese Quiche

Bacon and Cheese Quiche

Makes the perfect light lunch served with salad


200°C/fan 180°C/gas mark 6

1 hour 15 minutes

Emily in front of Bella Italia
For a healthier option consider swapping the cream for milk.



  • 225g gluten-free plain flour

  • 110g butter

  • 1 egg, lightly beaten

  • salt


  • 1 large onion, diced

  • 5 rashers of smoked back bacon

  • 1 tbsp olive oil

  • 1 tsp dried mixed herbs

  • 150mL single cream

  • 2 eggs

  • 75g cheddar chesse, grated

  • black pepper


  1. You can do this step in a kitchen aid or a food processor if you haven’t got that much time. To make the pastry: in a bowl, rub the gluten-free flour and butter together into breadcrumb size. Then add a pinch of salt. Beat the egg into a separate jug, and gradually add into the flour-butter mix. With your hand bring together the pastry into a ball.

  2. Knead for a full 2 minutes in the bowl until smooth. Wrap in cling film and place in the fridge to chill for 15-25 minutes. Remove the pastry from the fridge. Roll the pastry out between 2 sheets of clingfilm to the thickness of about a £1 coin. Transfer the pastry to a loose-base flan tin.

  3. Gently push the pastry into place and use your fingers to remove the excess pastry. Once you are happy with the pastry case. Place it back in the fridge while you make the filling.

  4. Make the filling: Gently fry the chopped onion in a frying pan with the oil for 5 minutes so the onion is soft but not brown. If adding mushrooms (optional) you can add them to the onion about half way through the cooking of the onion.

  5. Place the rashers of bacon under the grill for a few minutes on each side. Once cooked leave to cool for few minutes and then chop the bacon into thick strips using sharp scissors. Once the bacon has been chopped add to the frying pan along with the onion (or fry with the onion).

  6. Add the mixed herbs to the onion and bacon mixture. Once everything has been added to the frying pan. Get the pastry case out of the fridge.

  7. Preheat the oven. Spoon the bacon mixture into the pastry case. Whisk cream or milk with the eggs and season with black pepper. Pour over the filling. Sprinkle with the cheese.

  8. Place the quiche on a baking tray and bake in the middle of the oven for about 25-30 minutes until the pastry is golden and the filling is set. Serve warm or cold and enjoy your hard work.

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