Apricot and Coconut Slice

A sticky apricot square topped with chocolate

18 squares

20 minutes plus overnight

Fancy a different type of chocolate? Go for it!


  • 225g gluten-free digestive biscuits, finely crushed

  • 175g dried apricots, finely chopped

  • 125g desiccated coconut

  • 125g unsalted butter

  • 1/2 can of condensed milk

  • 175g plain chocolate


  1. Grease and line the base of a 20x30 cm (8x12 inch) shallow tin.

  2. Mix together the biscuits, apricots and coconut in a large bowl.

  3. Melt together the butter and the condensed milk until smooth, then mix into the crumb mixture. Spread into the prepared tin, pressing down evenly. Leave in the fridge to start chilling.

  4. To melt the chocolate, Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a large heatproof bowl. Place the bowl on top of a saucepan of gently simmering water, making sure the bowl doesn't touch the water. Keeping the heat at its lowest, allow the chocolate to melt slowly – it should take about 6 minutes.

  5. Remove it from the heat and give it a good stir until it’s smooth and glossy. Allowing the chocolate to cool slightly before you spread it evenly over the top of the biscuit base. Refrigerate until set, then cut into squares and enjoy.

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